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Lowry comes into this week’s tournament fifth in the field in strokes gained on approach as well as strokes gained total over his last 24 rounds. Over his last five measured tournaments, he is averaging 4.4 strokes gained on approach. He has five straight top 15 finishes with three of them being third or better. The Irishman will feel right at home at Southern Hills as Perry Maxwell designed it with St. Andrews in the back of his mind. The former Open Championship winner is coming in playing some of his best golf of late, I just had to include him. Like most weeks, handicapping the first-round leader market presents a challenge to golf bettors. Add in the staggered scoring element this week and it becomes further complex. Reigning PGA Tour Player of the Year Patrick Cantlay has been terrific in 2022, and his consistency finally paid dividends at the BMW Championship as he successfully defended his title for his first solo victory of the year. The 30-year-old became the first man to defend a playoff event and will now attempt to become the first to win back-to-back FedEx Cup crowns. He will begin the Tour Championship two strokes behind Scheffler at 8 under.
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