The Adrenaline Traveler

Experiencias y viajes con un toque de adrenalina

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    Jason Mercier made his debut in the professional poker world back in 2007 and quickly made a name for himself. In fact, he’s won five WSOP bracelets and a European Poker Tour Title. What’s more, the Global Poker Index (GPI) named him the number one poker player worldwide for 80 straight weeks. The top nine will walk away with at least $1.1 million: With the amount of money poker players can earn essentially being endless, the amount of money a poker player can make ranges from a little to a lot! All 10 players in August retained their spots in September, but that wouldn’t be the case in October. Daniel Alaei dropped from the middle of the pack to become unranked this month, but one small score should bring him back at any time. Also falling out is Sorel Mizzi, despite finishing fifth in the High Roller Turbo at EPT London. Taking their spots are two new stars: Dwyte Pilgrim and Tom Marchese. Both have proved over the year that they have what it takes and their recent success put them over the top and placed them into the bottom two spots.

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  • A first person narrator probably might not take the time to intricately describe something they’ve seen a thousand times. If you live in a world where society is ruled by a giant brain from outer space, you probably wouldn’t pause your story to arbitrarily explain the backstory of ‘President Lobularr the Cruel.’ But a third person narrator will have no limits to what they might want to zero in on at any point in the story. When writers set down the facts of their lives into a compelling story, they’re writing a narrative essay. Personal narrative essays explore the events of the writer’s own life, and by crafting a nonfiction piece that resonates as storytelling, the essayist can uncover deeper truths in the world. Second person point of view is known as the “you” perspective. It is the perspective of the person or persons that the narrator is addressing. The second person perspective is identifiable by the author’s use of second-person pronouns: you, yourself, your, yours, or yourselves.
    University essays differ from school essays in that they are less concerned with what you know and more concerned with how you construct an argument to answer the question. This means that the starting point for writing a strong essay is to first unpick the question and to then use this to plan your essay before you start putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard). Instructors But wait. There is one big rule. Be humble. Don’t try so hard to sound adult or beyond your years, that you end up coming across as a know-it-all. It’s better to show the admissions committee that you are capable of finding and making meaning through the experiences you’ve had as a young person, no matter how small or limited they may seem to you. If you’ll let us wax philosophical for a moment: that ability to make meaning from something that isn’t pompous or dramatic—and to do so without being aggrandizing—is the stuff of great art. So, you’re in a good tradition if you stick to humility and take a deliberate and honest approach to your essays.

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    Speaking to Sky Sports News (31 01 23, 18.01), he said: “I’m told Jorginho is not as an alternative to Moises Caicedo. I understand Arsenal were, at any time, ready to do a deal for Caicedo on deadline day IF in the unlikely circumstance that Brighton changed their stance. Speaking recently about what he believes Arteta and Edu will do next, Sheth, who spoke to GiveMeSport, said: “I just get the impression that maybe they’re still in the market for a forward player. Because if they were willing to outlay, you know, in excess of £50 million for Raphinha, then it’s obvious to think that that position is a priority area for Arsenal.” The week is bookended with Premier League games as local rivals Brentford and Fulham meet in a London derby under the Monday night lights before Marco Silva’s side host leaders Arsenal on Super Sunday, which is rounded off by Newcastle v Wolves.

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  • A conclusion shouldn’t just be a repetition of the points in your essay. It should be a summary that ties together your ideas and show how they connect to form the bigger picture. Your conclusion can go beyond the confines of the assignment. The conclusion pushes beyond the boundaries of the prompt and allows you to consider broader issues, make new connections, and elaborate on the significance of your findings. This is the one and only body paragraph in a three-paragraph essay, so it needs to be clear, concise, and as detailed as possible within the space constraints. The body paragraph should include a topic sentence, as well as any details or facts that underscore your thesis. It may focus on one element of your supporting argument or sum up several in brief, clear sentences that relate to the topic sentence.
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  • Two other high-profile pros — Chris “Jesus” Ferguson and Howard Lederer — will forever be linked to the poker site, but for all the wrong reasons. On April 15, 2011, the infamous “Black Friday,” the US Department of Justice shut down major poker sites from operating in the United States, including PokerStars, Ultimate Bet Absolute Poker, and Full Tilt Poker. Wait a minute, «What is this Rush poker?» you may ask. I’ll let FullTiltPoker explain: PokerStars has one of the better VIP programs for regular players. As you accumulate VIP points, your VIP level goes up which includes a FPP multiplier for more spendable FPP points. These points can be used for items in the store, tournament entries or cash bonuses. At Full Tilt Poker there’s the Iron Man promotion which awards points for daily grinding which turn into medals. These medals can be used for cash bonuses or items in the special store but carry a lot less value than FPPs at PokerStars. However, Full Tilt has «Full Tilt Points» which can be used to buy into tournaments or items from the store (no cash though).
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  • This is a Halloween tower defense game for kids based on the popular cartoon series Tom & Jerry. Control Tom as he tries to prevent the bats and vampire Jerry from getting the items. Get the highest score you can get. Enjoy this fun tower defense game and share with friends. yaksgames tags halloween-games Halloween or not, Heads Up! is a great game to play with your team — just download the app! Participants take turns guessing the word on the phone screen, which they place on their foreheads. Everyone else provides clues or acts out the word to help the player get the right answer. This word-guessing game is one of the easiest and most exciting ways to get everyone involved in the fun. This game will test your students’ memories as well as their knowledge of Halloween vocabulary. Put together a tray with several (aim for twenty) Halloween themed items. (You might include a rubber bat, spider ring, candy corn, jack-o-lantern, mask, etc.). Show the tray to your class and review any vocabulary as necessary. Then cover the tray and challenge your students to remember as many items as they can. After 3-5 minutes, see how many items each person was able to remember and spell correctly. For subsequent rounds, you can place five or six items on the tray, show your students, have them close their eyes, remove one item and challenge them to remember which item is missing.
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